I am Def Forverage, digital artist, furry and dragon enthusiast.
I do various illustration with theme like sci-fi or fantasy : huge scene, character design, landscape, concept art etc...
I work also on an ongoing lore in which my character and creations live the Créileum.you will find all the necessary information on my realizations, commissions, media link and other.

contact me

to contact me for question, commission or other, i am available on those medias in priority

my creations

PAINTING (scenes, concept art, character design...)

cellshade /softshade


SKETCH (simple, color, paint)

commission and T.O.S.

voir lien pour une meilleur résolution

What i draw and don’t :
I draw pretty much everything : landscapes, characters designs/reference, anthropomorphic/furry, concept art (creatures, equipements, weapons) always up to draw new things. drawing software : CSP.
I don’t draw : - human (simply because i’m terrible at it you can still ask but don’t be surprise of the result)
Time estimation:
i can’t tell in advance the time needed, all depend of the commission queue, the drawing, the stuff i’m used to or not, my motivation/inspiration, a simple character will be faster to do than a complete scene with characters, if you ask a reference with more elements, body (details, accessory...) i’ll take more time too.
Elements to provide :
To be sure to get the hoped result, you must give the most possible element. The more elements you’ll provide, the accurate it’ll be, i’ll work with sketchs to show the progress.
i don't accept commission without proper reference or accurate artwork of your character, it's problematic for many reason (color accuracy, anatomy, etc..)
specify the object of your commission in the paypal details
I accept payments with paypal and ask to be paid in advanced for safety reason.
there can be additional fees if the drawing proved to be complex, in which case i will add 20% of the initial price. i allow myself to ask for the additional fee until the sketch is validated.
I won’t give the original files (.psd/.csp) for keeping a proof that i made and own the creation of my work.
Any repost have to be with my name as creator or a link of my page, and the watermark will remain on the drawing. i don’t allow modification, resale or any form of exploitation againts my right of my creations.
I would prefer to use discord to keep contact and exchange the needed informations. You can also contact me with al lother media provided.Thanks for reading.